Sunday, March 14, 2010

Meeting with Rabbis

Yes, you read that right meeting with Rabbis as in more than one in one weekend.

Before Mr True and I got engaged I was sure I would have my childhood Rabbi, Rabbi T, marry us. I am not a religious person but growing up and going to Hebrew school I had a lot of questions about god and Rabbi T was always understanding and would sit with me and listen to me and validate my feelings. When I went to school abroad for a semester and experienced extreme antisemitism Rabbi T would write me long letters of support, I felt we had a real bond.

Then about 10 years ago Rabbi T retired and told my mom no matter what if your daughter wants me to officiate her wedding one day I will be there. So immediately when I got engaged my mom called Rabbi T and he said that he didn't think he would be in New York around the time I was getting married. This was a little heart breaking for me because I always imagined that he would officiate at my wedding but I couldn't do anything to affect this. Luckily the current Rabbi at my temple Rabbi S was all too excited to officiate and Mr True and I both really like him and are happy to have him involved. Rabbi S has been close to my family too and he is a really great guy, I just don't have the childhood bond to him.

Since Rabbi T did want to have some role in our wedding he asked if it would be ok for him to write a few words to be recited by Rabbi S at our wedding. I was thrilled and then it just came down to finding a time to meet. The meeting ended up happening this weekend and Rabbi T loved Mr True and it was great I am so excited to hear what he writes. Then today we met with Rabbi S to go over the ceremony and that was great too. I feel so lucky that two such great Rabbis would take time to meet with us and want to be a part of our big day.

I haven't mentioned this before but Mr. True and I have been meeting with Rabbi S every month for pre-marriage counseling. Rabbi S insists on this with all couples he marriages. I think that in our religion it is standard practice and I really enjoy it. I would definitely recommend it to any engaged couple. It lets you hear your partners ideas for your future and is just a good time to realize you are on the same path.

Has anyone else met multiple times with their officiant? Are you having a stranger perform your ceremony or is it someone you have known for a while?

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